From musical theatre's most renowned composer, Company is largely regarded as a trailblazer of the dark-comedy, modern-musical genre and the winner of six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Best Score, Best Lyrics and Best Book.

On the night of his 35th birthday, confirmed bachelor, Robert, contemplates his unmarried state. Over the course of a series of dinners, drinks and even a wedding, his friends – "those good and crazy people [his] married friends" – explain the pros and cons of taking on a spouse. The habitually single Robert is forced to question his adamant retention of bachelorhood during a hilarious array of interactions.


Robert Simon Hill
Sarah Sarah Wine
Harry Lyle Valentine
Susan Claire Gerig
Peter Paul Knapp
Jenny Jenny Mitchell
David Kyle Vespestad
Amy Lorelei Stephens
Paul Xavier Huffman
Joanne Christi Moore
Larry David Raehpour
Marta Tyler Treat
Cathy Briley Meek
April Crosbie Moody

Director Rick Bumgardner
Resident Music Director Simon Hill
Music Director Paul Graves
Choreographer Kyle Vespestad
Costume Design Gwyn Bolte
Set Design Jason Huffman
Property Design Louise Brinegar
Light Design Jason Huffman
Sound Design Jason Huffman